Ewan - TAKEN

About Ewan

Ewan was the smallest kitten in the litter at birth, and his first steps were very careful. He was the last one to come toward me—but you won’t fool me that easily! I’ve always known that these little shy babies often hide so many surprises. Don't judge a book by its cover.

Slowly but surely, Ewan started to bloom and show his true cheeky and confident self. The bigger he grew, the more confidence he demonstrated. Now, he’s officially titled our “social butterfly.” Not only will he come out to check out any new visitors, but he’ll also make his rounds, massaging and testing your lap, finding the softest spot, and making himself comfortable for a quick power nap. Honestly, he won’t discriminate—he likes both men and women. Those who reach out to him and those who just happen to sit next to others—Ewan will check everyone out.

Note: He is quite an articulate and talkative kitten (which I find insanely adorable—it’s his language of love). We have extensive conversations in the morning, and whenever I come home from a long day, Ewan is there to greet me, asking, "How was your day? Where’s my dinner?" If you’re not the type to “talk to your cats,” maybe Ewan isn’t for you. But I honestly think you could train him to have some very funny chats and make everyone laugh


TAKEN - Hercules the British Shorthair - Chinchilla Silver Point