Gigi - British Shorthair

About Gigi

Gigi is a cheeky and active little girl, likely influenced by growing up with two slightly older male kittens. She’s fully embraced their typical boyish confidence and fearlessness! We even have a running joke in the house: “Are you sure you sexed them correctly? Are you 100% sure?” (I do sometimes mix up kittens’ genders when it’s tricky to tell the difference when they’re very young.)

Here are some details about Gigi

My Date of Birth 29.10.2024
I will be ready to leave my nest around 06.02.2025
My Colour Silver Chinchilla Point
My Gender I identify myself as a little princess
My Breed I am a British Shorthair

Yes, I will have bright blue eye when I grow up

I am not white – white is a solid colour, my colour is the highest purity of Silver possible with only 1/8 of my hair being coloured silver. Yes it is very rare and close to impossible to find in Australia

Some people look at my dad and ask, “Oh, is he going to be a longhair too?” While it’s an innocent question, my dad is a very handsome boy, and our mummy loves him so much just the way he is!

To clarify, a kitten is either shorthair or longhair from birth—this doesn’t change as they grow.

And just to confirm (in case there’s still some confusion), we are SHORTHAIR kittens. For kittens to be longhaired, both parents need to carry the longhair gene, and our mummy doesn’t have it.

“Do we have to be here? That lady checked out my butt. Can we go home already“

My Pawrents

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Immogen - British Shorthair